Ultrasound Studies
We offer in-office ultrasound imaging for both obstetrical and gynecologic indications.
Please explore the following link to learn more about the use of ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology.
Obstetrical Ultrasound
At Wilkerson OB/Gyn patients are typically scheduled for two ultrasounds during their pregnancy
- First trimester (approximately 8 weeks gestation) to establish viability and confirm the final due date
- Second trimester (approximately 18-20 weeks gestation) to survey the developing anatomy (if you want to know the gender of your baby we can share that with you at this visit!)
- Sometimes we prefer the second-trimester ultrasound to be done at the maternal fetal medicine specialist and will discuss and refer as appropriate
Medically Indicated
Additional ultrasounds are ordered at various times in the pregnancy when there is a medical or fetal indication (maternal diabetes, maternal hypertension, fetal growth concerns and many others)
It is exciting for us to be able to offer elective 3D/4D ultrasounds for a very special sneak peek of ultimate cuteness. There is no current medical indication for 3D/4D ultrasounds and the cost is not covered under insurance plans. Consequently, there is an out of pocket expense associated with this ultrasound. A prenatal package including photos and a CD is available to all interested patients. The optimal timing for an elective 3D/4D ultrasound is 27-32 weeks.
Gynecological Ultrasound
Transabdominal or Transvaginal
An ultrasound probe is placed on the abdomen and then a separate, more narrow probe is placed into the vagina in order to obtain images of the uterus, ovaries and surrounding tissues. This study is ordered by your doctor for many reasons including symptoms of pelvic pain, abdominal pain or abnormal bleeding. We typically plan for you to have the ultrasound done with our ultrasound technician and then to sit and review the results/decide on a treatment plan with your doctor during the same visit.
In certain cases, during a vaginal ultrasound, a sterile saline solution may be instilled into the uterine cavity through the cervix to improve visualization. This typically discussed and planned at the time the study is ordered.